Thursday, July 30, 2009


Please I am sorry for sending you this unsolicited mail, but is a means of communication and I want you to understand as an old entrepreneur! First let me introduce my self, I am Mr. Carlos Poko Mills, am an half cast mother white father black, I am the World Bank African Inter-Swift Remittance director of the financial IMF Act 11 Liaison United Kingdom.

USD$12.5Million remitted from one of the Sub-Sahara Africa country as part offload of contract debt the country owed contractor (Late MR PAUL LOUIS) Who Died Along With His Family In A Plane Crash.

I which to implore you to come in as the beneficiary and apply for the ownership since deceased Mr. Paul Louis is no more available, for more details send the below listen information for business telephone conversation.

Your full name...............................
Date of birth.....................................
Place of birth.................................
Marital status...............................
Cell phone.......................................
Land phone.......................................
Fax number.......................................

Mr. Carlos Poko Mills.
My telephone: +447031892374.
My direct fax:+448704958442
Reply Me Via

Notification Letter

OUR REF: 12190/14
TICKET NUMBER: 112-4540-525-106

This email is to inform you that you have Won(£715,000.00 GBP)on our
online draws which was played on Monday 13th, July 2009.
Your email address was picked.

Official: Mr. Paul Dyer

Yours Truly,
Mrs. Rebecca Royse
Co-ordinator(Online Promo Programme).


Good day Sir/Madam,

I am Mr Frank Wong,Chairman of DBS Bank in (Hong Kong).

I got your email account while searching for a business oriented personality
in my private study in the internet.

I bring forth a business proposal in the tune of $66m to be transferred to an offshore
account with your assistance acting as beneficiary and next-of-kin to the funds.

If you know you are capable of involving and partaking in this transaction, please send
down the following personal details and me at this private email account for briefing:

(1)Full names:.............................
(3)Age and Sex:..........................
(4)Marital Status:................
(5)Private phone number:..................
(6)Current residential address:..................

Thank you.
Mr Frank Wong.


Good Day!!!

We have been waiting for you to contact us for your Confirmable Package that
is registered with us for shipping to your residential location. We had
thought that your sender gave you our contact details so that you can quickly
come and pick it up without informing you. we cannot quote its content to you
via email for Privacy reasons we understand that the content of your package
itself is parcel contained an International Cashier Bank Draft/Cheque worth
the sum of $1,200,000 USD which will be deliver to at the moment as long as
you provide all the requirement to the FedEx package company before the
parcel can be shipped to your own residential address in your country.

Furthermore, you might be asking yourself how comes this email,cheque or
draft, Anyway, your Cheque was brought to this office by a Lottery Fiduciary
Agent Or Claim Agent, signifying that you are a rightful winner to their
Lottery Award selected randomly from 10 lucky email addresses which your
email address is one of the lucky email address. What you have to do now, is
to contact our Delivery Department for immediate dispatch to your residential

For your information, the VAT & Shipping charges as well as Insurance fees
have been paid by the Lottery Fiduciary Company and the icon insurance
company of Nigeria has finalized everything before your package was
registered. The payment that was made on the Insurance, Premium & Clearance

Certificates was to certify that the Bank Draft is not a Drug Affiliated Fund
(DAF) neither is it funds to sponsor Terrorism in your country this will help
you to avoid any form of query from the Monetary Authority of your country
and you must compensate the FedEx express package company by paying the
security fee which they used in protecting your fund. You will have to pay a
sum of $160.00 USD to the FedEx Delivery Department being full payment for
the Security Keeping Fee of the FedEx Company as stated in our privacy terms
& condition page.

Also be informed that the Lottery Fiduciary company wished you to pay for the
Security Keeping charges, but we do not accept such payment considering the
facts that all items & packages that is registered with us having a time
limitation and we cannot accept payment having known not when you will be
picking up the package or even responding to us. So we cannot take the risk
to have accepted such payment incase of any possible demurrage.

Note: The Money can not be deducted from the parcel because the Lottery
Fiduciary Company (L.F.C) advise us that you must pay for the security
keeping fees before we can deliver the parcel to you, the Lottery board did
not leave us with any further information because we hope that you we respond
to us as soon as possible because if you fail to respond until the expiry
date of this package, we may refer the package to the British Commission for
Welfare as the package do not have a return address.

Kindly contact the delivery department (FedEx Delivery Post) with the details
Given below:

FedEx Delivery Post
Contact Person:Mr.Charles Mcnutt
This is mandatory to reconfirm your Postal address and telephone numbers.
SEX (M/F):
Kindly complete the above form and summit it to the delivery manager on:

As soon as your details are received, our delivery team will give you the
necessary payment procedure so that you can effect the payment for the
Security Keeping Fees. As soon as they confirm your payment of $160.00 USD,
they will not hesitate to dispatch your package as well as the attached
letter to your residence. It usually takes 24 hours being an over night
delivery service.

Note: that we were not instructed to email you, but due to the high priority
of your package we had to inform you through the letter that was attach in
your package, We indeed personally sealed your Bank Draft we found your email
contact in the attached letter as the recipient of the foremost package and
we where very glad that will found the owner of the package. Ensure to
contact the delivery department with the email address given above and ensure
to fill the form as well to enable a successful reconfirmation.

Yours Faithfully,
Mrs. Victoria Williston
FedEx Online Team Management

No Subject

Bonjour bien aimé(e),
Je suis Madame PERSHOT MONIQUE, expatriée née le 10 février 1932 à nancy ( france ). Depuis quelques années, je souffre d'un cancer du col de l'utérus qui me ronge jour après jour,il y a aussi le poids de la vieillesse .les médecins disent que mon état de santé est dégradé et qu'il ne me reste pas assez à vivre. Ma situation familiale est telle que je n'ai ni mari et encore moins des enfants à qui je pourrais léguer tout cet argent qui m'a été laissé par mon defunt mari.C'est pour cela que je voudrais de façon graçieuse et dans le souci d'aider les démunis vous confier ce dit héritage s'élevant à une valeur de trois millions d'euros ( 3. 000 000 € ).
Si possible les informations suivantes seront necessaires : Votre nom complet, un numéro de téléphone et le fax serviront pour établir un acte de donation qui vous rendra benéficiaire de cet argent que je veux vous confier.Je compte sur votre bonne volonté et surtout faites bon usage de ces fonds pour la création d'une oeuvre de votre choix.

Lucky Winners Headline Animator