This is to notify you that your email address has won £850,000.00
in the British National Lottery.It is a random computerized
selection Ticket Number: 56475600545299 Serial No:5388/02
Winning Number: 05-11-13-17-44-48-(25) Draw (#1055)
To claim your prize, please contact
Mr. Frank Arthur {Claims Officer}
Tel: +4470111 83202,+4470111 83206 +4470319 94752, +4470319 78650
Details Required for Verification:
1. Full Name 2. Address 3. Country 4. Age 5. Gender
6. Occupation 7. Telephone 8.Nationality
Please note that the validity period of the winning is 5th August 2009.
Failure to meet the date will be invalid.
Raya Al-Dadah
For The National Lottery