Dear E-mail Owner
This is the official result of the Power Ball 2009 Lottery Programs held
in the UK. Your e-mail address drew the winning lucky numbers:25 34 41 46
49 29. Ref No: Balkev/56B-672GH/L, Batch No: 4583JL/WINFREE and No tickets
were sold. You can also confirm your winnings from You have therefore been
approved to claim a total sum of £1,000000.000(G.B.P) in cash. Your
prize will be transferred to you upon meeting our requirements, statutory
obligations,verifications, validations and satisfactory report. You are
advised to contact our licensed agent with the information below:
Mr. Brime Stone.
Tel: +447031916680
Below is the claims Requirements form you are to fill:
1. Full Name: ..............
2. Address: ...............
3. Sex: ...................
4. Age: ...................
5. Occupation: ............
6. Phone: .................
7. State: ................
8. Country: ...............
9. Batch No: .............
11. Winning No: .........
Mrs. Maurine Diane H.
Online Coordinator for Power Ball.